Nigerian Copyright Commission Confiscates N8.3B Worth Of Pirated Items In 6 Years

The Nigerian Copyright Commission has since 2011 till the third quarter of 2016 seized a N8.3 billion worth of pirated goods.

The latest raid was on Thursday when the commission seized N275 million worth of pirated works intercepted at the sea ports.

While displaying the three containers of bibles, books and compact discs, the Director-General of NCC, Afam Ezekude, told newsmen about the activities of the commission in the bid to curb the activities of pirates.

“From 2011 to the third quarter of 2016, our collaboration with the Nigerian Customs Service led to the seizure of a total of 25 containers of pirated copyright works.

“Within the same period, the commission carried out a total of 289 anti-piracy operations across the country and seized over eight million assorted pirated copyright products with a market value of about N8.3 billion.

“If these goods were allowed to enter the Nigerian market, Nigerian copyright owners will be losing that value to pirates

“Furthermore, the commission within the period filed several criminal charges against offenders in Federal High Courts and secured a total of 55 convictions against offenders,” he said.
“In the last six years, we have done so much to reduce the activities of pirates,” Ezekude said.

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While receiving the seized Bibles, Dare Ajiboye, General Secretary/ Chief Executive Officer, BSN, lauded the efforts of the commission and lamented the challenges the pirates were leaving in the wake of their terrible acts.

“As an organisation, one of the greatest challenges we have is piracy.

“It is saddening to invest time, money and energy to produce a creative work which is stolen and reproduced by pirates,” he said.


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